Jas de la Rimade
F - 83570 Carcès
+33 (0) 4 94 59 55 11
Helicopter surface
GPS 6° 08\' 06" - 43° 27\' 45"
Opening hours
daily (except thursday) 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., incl. sundays and holidays.
Closed on thursday.
And by appointment
Shipping to all countries
English spoken

How to get to Jas de la Rimade
GPS directions:
«Rimade - 83570 Carcès» ou
«Chemin du Gaou - 83570 Carcès» ou
«242, chemin du plan – 83570 Carcès»
On motorway A8 from Nice to Aix-en-Provence or inverse, take exit nb. 35: BRIGNOLES / Le Val.
After toll station turn left at first round about, direction: Carcès.
At next round about turn left again, direction: Carcès.
You are on the right road, keep always direction CARCES and after 11 km you’ll see red signs saying "Galerie Jas de la Rimade".
If you come from Carcès, cross and take direction Brignoles. After 5 km you see a straight line of platanes and 500 m later the red signs.